"Part of the reason why poverty still persists in our continent is governments inability to work in a bi-partisan manner with the opposition to confront the many problems facing us as a continent. In almost all the advanced democracies a government in power works or listens to the opposition in matters of national importance such as education, defence, energy and the economy. However in Africa such matters are always hijacked by the ruling government to the detriment of the nation and its people". Lord Aikins Adusei


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Friday, July 3, 2009

African traditional rulers urge AU leaders to aim at African unity

African traditional rulers, attending the AU summit in Sirte, Libya, on ednesday appealed to African leaders to direct their energies to consolidating the continent’s political unity.

Speaking on behalf of Africa's traditional leaders, Ghana’s John Naba challenged African leaders, gathered here to discuss the transformation of the African Union Commission into an Authority, to discard their thinking along the continent’s colonial boundaries and work towards unity.

African leaders are divided on whether they should declare the formation of the AU Authority during the current Summit.

“The time has come for Africa to achieve peace and do away with the continued civil conflicts. We, the chiefs of Africa, have agreed to give all our support to AU leaders for the realization of peace in Africa,” Naba affirmed.

Addressing African leaders earlier at the opening of the summit, Naba recalled that his association had called for a single passport in 2002.

Naba said his group would support AU leaders to enable them achieve their goals, which included a common government, and urged them to work towards the achievement of free movement in the continent.

He said the traditional rulers were seeking recognition from the AU leaders because they were in direct contact with the grassroots.

The traditional rulers sparked controversy in January when they declared the Libyan leader, Mouammar Kadhafi, the King of Kings, a title they bestowed on the AU Chairman "for his personal efforts to help Africa achieve full unity".
Sirte - 01/07/2009


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